Here are some progress pics I took while I was working on the pink girl. I told you that you would be horrified! One thing about acrylic paints is that you can paint on just about anything, and I guess I proved it this time. This one was painted on an old book cover. The cover was falling off and I was going to chuck the book when it struck me that hardcover book covers are basically canvas boards but with a finer weave than most commercially made canvas boards. The finer weave worked out well at this small scale and it was actually a nice surface to work on...crazy I know.
Custom book covers, you've just hit on it. What collector items these will be! I'll drop off a few boxes of books this week!
Great idea!
thanks for this wip and thanks for your blog !
i'm a big fan of your traditional "speedpaintings"
thanks bellerophon, glad to hear you like the blog sometimes it's hard to tell if there's anyone out there ;)
I check more often you're sketchbook on CA.org
By the way thanx for the little tut of your painting gear, i'm still searching for a little tackle box like yours :-)
those plastic tackle boxes are pretty easy to find in most hardware stores ,most people use them for nuts and bolts or fishing gear. You might want to check out the hardware and fishing department of your local Walmart type store. They come in lots of different shapes and sizes.
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