Just heard that I got some of my paintings accepted into the next Eye Candy for Strangers book, woo hoo! Each Eye Candy book features the girl art of a bunch of artists. I sent in a batch of jpgs of my sketchpaintings for consideration, but I have no idea if they will be using one or all of them, so we'll all find out together I guess ;)
I think that the book is scheduled to be out towards the end of the year. Brandstudios publishes a great line of art books, check them out. The books always make me wonder,"Who the hell is this guy?" and ,"Wow, this is great stuff, why haven't I seen this before!"
Congrats Mike! Looking forward to it.
Cool mike! I sense a MD Brand book in the future.
-->> ..can i just purchase the mag-book right off the site there or you think i'll be able to fins it at BORADERS or summin' ??
As far as I know, these books are only available online and at the comic conventions that Brandstudios attends....but they go to a lot of cons!
-->> San Diego's next week .. you think i got a good shot at this then ?? I mean THERE .. ??
"Eye candy for Strangers" is an ongoing series of art books, the one that my stuff will be in won't be published for a while yet.
-->> ..permission to frustratingly stomp, whine ,moan, and groan .. piss, hoot and hollar .. ??
..ok ok i'll wait.
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