I like polar bears and I like girls so that's really all there is to this one. While Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass is possibly my all time favorite fantasy series this has nothing to do with that. Yeah,I've done a bunch of sketches in my sketchbook over the years for Lyra and Yorick paintings but have yet to actually take the time to do one...someday!
I guess this is the second in my series of "nose touching" paintings...the first being that duck/horse one ;)
You ought to make the nose-touching a series of paintings. Love the painting...what size is it?
Yeah at this rate I'll turn out about one a year ;)
it's like 7x10 inches or so, acrylic on linen board.
And Eric Talbot will do the follow up painting of this one where the bear has a huge smile on it's face and the woman has been reduced to a headless, spurting corpse.
-->> ya know i really want a COKE right about now.
i definitely see a children's book in your near future.
good stuff!
thanks,that seems to be every artist's dream right? I have to admit that I check out the new kids books at Barnes an Noble often...some are great, some shockingly bad!
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